Social commitment

In addition to our commitment to environmental protection, we have been supporting charitable organizations and associations for many years - to enable everyone in our society to live a life worth living. In recent years, our financial support has regularly gone to the following social institutions:

Support association for children with cancer

The Tübingen-based support association is particularly dedicated to the psychosocial aftercare of children with cancer and their relatives. In addition to caring for the patients concerned, it also supports the families in coming to terms with their difficult experiences. Above all, the mutual exchange of information about the traumatic experiences of this disease is an important help.

Further information can be found here.

Child Protection Association Reutlingen

The Kinderschutzbund of our hometown Reutlingen celebrated its 60th anniversary already in 2014. According to the mission statements "understanding instead of condemning" and "helping instead of indifference", the association cares for disadvantaged children and their families and the improvement of living conditions for them.

You can find out more about the work of the Child Protection Association here.

SOS Children's Villages

330 million children, many of them orphans, are growing up in poverty worldwide. The SOS Children's Villages are active on all continents in more than 130 countries. In their facilities they create prospects for children from socially disadvantaged families by building and providing care in kindergartens, schools and training centres. Building and strengthening the affected regions should enable help to help themselves and create a long-term improvement in living conditions.

You can read more about the SOS Children's Villages here.

Premature infants e.V. Reutlingen

Since 1995, the association has supported the intensive care unit of the Clinic for Child and Youth Medicine at the Reutlingen Hospital am Steinenberg. In the meantime, more than 130 members support parents and families of prematurely born children. A major focus of the work is the improvement of outpatient follow-up care for prematurely born and seriously ill children. This is the basis of the aftercare model "Unser Sonnenschein" (Our Sunshine), which is specially designed to meet the needs of the children and their relatives after discharge from the clinic.

You can find out more here.

Friends of St. Camille e.V. / MuSeele e.V.

In the villages of West Africa, mentally ill people are locked away - out of fear of demons, helplessness, financial need. The state psychiatric care is miserable. To help these mentally ill people, the Circle of Friends of St. Camille was founded in 2003. For the exhibition of their work "Kettenmenschen - vom Umgang mit psychisch Kranken in Westafrika" in the Göppingen Museum of Psychiatry we provided our universally applicable Mila-wall wall modules.

You can find more about the initiative, which was founded in Reutlingen, Germany, here.


We have been working with the workshops of BruderhausDiakonie for more than 20 years. The workshops meet our high-quality standards and have thus become an important and reliable partner for us. We are pleased that we can support disabled and disadvantaged people in the region through this cooperation.

Here you can find more information about BruderhausDiakonie.

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